Find Out How GiraffePad Powered Online Talent Development

Overcoming the technical barriers of online learning


With online training remaining a steady fixture in 2021, we worked with another training organisation to help them deliver their training courses to learners based at home. More specifically, GiraffePad worked with Reed Consultants, a provider of award-winning talent development programmes. Keen to overcome the technical barriers of traditional online learning, they used our platform to streamline their services.

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Presented with a fairly common challenge, Reed Consultants found that they were unable to deliver their online sessions to a central location due to a poor internet connection in the branch that the learners were based in. What this meant was that the trainer was tasked with providing a platform that could be used by learners at home, and could be relied on to maintain their usual excellent service.

Obviously, we were very glad that they chose GiraffePad and were confident that we could provide the solution they needed.

Find Out How GiraffePad Powered Online Talent Development
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After catching up with the trainers at Reed Consultants to find out how they got on using our platform, we were happy to learn that everyone was impressed by the “one click and you’re in” design.

Like other users of GiraffePad, learners and trainers also particularly enjoyed having everything in a centralised location. With the ability to easily access activities, watch videos, upload action plans, and interact with others using the chat feature, both trainers and learners were able to seamlessly engage with the material.

Passing along some words from management, the trainer responsible for delivering the course also explained how GiraffePad is “the best LMS system our HR director has seen, and he was glad that his delegates have this facility to support their Branch Excellence Programme”.

It’s safe to say that we are delighted to have provided a positive training experience for remote learners and hear that our platform provides the solution to another online barrier.

If you’re interested in finding out how GiraffePad can help you and your organisation bring your course to life online, be sure to give us a call today. We’ll be more than happy to identify the best solution as well as scheduling a demo of our platform at a time that suits you.

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GiraffePad is built by facilitators for facilitators. So, we think your comprehensive demo should be given by a real-life trainer too, a.k.a the co-founder of our incredible training platform, Mark.

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