The Learning That Sticks Podcast

Hear from leading learning and development experts as they share their experience, knowledge and magic sauce to create learning experiences that truly stick.

With over 40 episodes from psychological safety to storytelling, graphic facilitation to the power of practice this is an audio smorgasboard of sticky learning!

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With guest:
Jamie Dixon
The fantastic Jamie Dixon joins us for the third time on Learning that Sticks, and as always Jamie has wonderful insights to share. This time we look at how people learn and the facilitators role in that.

From Daoism to fish we discuss if concepts and models are getting in the way of how people truly learn and agree a more facilitated and coaching approach, stripped clear of those potentially outdated models and concepts is far more likely to result in real learning.

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10 Sticky ways to transform your learning journeys

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GiraffePad is built by facilitators for facilitators. So we think your comprehensive demo should be given by a real-life trainer too, a.k.a the co-founder of our incredible training platform, Mark.


Mark Williams


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